Marketing automation you can measure

Use Goals to optimize your marketing processes.

Define the purpose of each automation

Your marketing workflows accomplish specific results like page views, webinar sign-ups, opt-ins, and purchases. With automation Goals you are able to specify what action you want contacts to take.



Adapt and respond to Goal completions

When a contact completes a Goal, your marketing can automatically change in response. For instance, when a contact makes a purchase your marketing emails can stop and an onboarding sequence can begin.


Create multi-dimensional goals

You can create very specific goals by combining conditions. For instance, a Goal could be a visit to your pricing page, clicking a call to action link in a particular campaign, and being located in a specific country or city.


Track your conversion rate

You'll know exactly how many contacts have been through your automation and how many ended up completing your goals. Your conversion rate is calculated for each automation and each Goal.


Optimize your marketing

With a conversion rate, you'll know exactly how well each automation is performing. Through testing and iteration, your marketing & sales processes will become more and more effective over time.


Segment & automate with Goals

We don't just give you insight into your automations' performance, Goal data is actionable. Use Goals to trigger other automated marketing & sales processes and create segments of contacts for more targeted messaging.

Ready to start marketing your business?

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